A Cut Above Floral Studio
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Teleflora's Sweet Surrender Tulip Bouquet


Teleflora's Sweet Surrender Tulip Bouquet

Surrender to the elegant, natural beauty of tulips. Over a dozen red and pink flowers are presented in our graceful Silver Reflections vase. It's an understated presentation that highlights the tulips' natural beauty - as well as your love and friendship.

This gorgeous bouquet includes seven red tulips and eight pink tulips.

  • This bouquet is delivered in our exclusive Silver Reflections vase, a metalized ceramic vase with a light pink tone.
    • Keep the arrangement in a cool location, away from direct sunlight or drafts.
    • Tulips are ethylene sensitive, making them open and age faster so be sure to avoid displaying them near fruits or vegetables.
    • Change the water and re-cut stems every 2-3 days.

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